Cypriot Style Entertainment
Saturday 24 - 8:25-9:10pm - A&A Holdings
Sunday 25 - 5:20-6:10pm - A&A Holdings
(Times subject to change)
Cypriot Style Entertainment has been around from 2002. We have DJ and MC and Live Band. We are a Greek/Cypriot Band that plays all the "Laika" and "Dimotika" and "Cypriot" songs. We are a young band that loves to support the Greek community and the young talent.
Our feature is our Cypriot Bracket with our young Violinist that gets everyone up and dancing, our "Laiko" bracket which is Roubes, Tsiftetelia and Zeimbekika and this year we will bring our Clarinet for a "Dimotiko" small set. This way we cover everything.
Find out more at Cypriot Style Entertainment Facebook Page